Our Company

If you want to go where professionals go to find specialty tools, you found it!

edmplus.eu is your online store equipped with premium quality tools and consumables for EDM, WireEDM and CNC processing but not only. We are letting you the opportunity to find exactly what you need every time in this business industry field.

  • Top quality products
  • Best customer service

Our Team

The team behind edmplus.eu has been delivering tools, accessories and consumables for the industry directly from the manufacturers for over 10 years.
Our experience in online tool business goes long back, and ever since we've been positioning ourselves to bring you premium solutions at best prices with service to match your needs in production and cost optimization.
edmplus.eu is the place where professionals go to find the specialty tools that they need to get the job done.

Our Goals

We are passionate about doing our part to make industry production better.
We provide high-quality products, great value and exceptional Customer Service.
We connect people with Tech-products and Tech-services in new and unexpected ways!