EDM Wire
EDM Wire

EDM Wire

We can offer you a full range of wire diameters (0.10mm to 0.30mm) at different tensile strengths (500 N/mm² to 1000 N/mm²), all according to your needs and specific application, also a wide range of spool sizes to match the specific needs of your EDM machine.

Most common type of EDM wires are Brass and coated wires. Brass is a Copper and Zinc alloy that have excellent discharge properties and malleability. Discharge properties are increased as the content of Zinc is in a bigger percentage, however, this mix have also a limitation when it comes to how thin the wire can go and widely, the content of Zinc can reach up to 35-40%.

Coated wire on the other side, have great functionality and overcomes these above-mentioned limitations; most common used is Zinc coated wire with Zinc oxide or pure Zinc coating in a layer of 2-3μm.

Molybdenum wire is characterized as high strength wire, high wear resistance, high tensile strength (above 1500 N/mm²), high melting point (2623°C) and vaporization temperatures (5560°C), stability and very fine diameters range (0.03mm to 0.30mm).

Tungsten wire have better mechanical characteristics than Molybdenum wire and it is used as a last choice on difficult applications as it is expensive, cuts poorly and it is extremely hard to work with. Tungsten wire is remarked by high melting point (3400°C) and vaporization temperatures (5900°C) and also by the highest tensile strength of all EDM wires.


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